Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Will You?

Short entry today as I have to work on updating my will before I meet with my lawyer and accountant this morning.

Any one else need to update their wills? It's actually a very stress-reducing activity as then you know your loved ones won't be left with a horrible legal tangle or having no clue as to what you want them to do with your body and your stuff. I had planned to have a wake/party after I died (no funerals thanks) and had actually put it in the old version of my will.

Over Christmas I was discussing this idea with Kelly and Dolly and they wondered why I wouldn't want to be at my own party. So I am considering doing a really fun "Still Kickin' " party at some point...maybe using my 50th birthday as an excuse...I still have a bit more than a year 'til that and I would do it as a fundraiser for Callanish Society. (

Sky is just turning that delicious blue-black as the sun makes its climb up the back-side of the mountains and begins to illuminate the day--I've already been out of the house and have driven Zack and a friend to hockey practice--it looks to me that we're in for a spectacularly sunny day!

Have a great one.

1 comment:

  1. I have to do mine. My cousin's ex is married to a lawyer who will help. I've talked to my nephews and they agree with my plans for them.
