Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I was born in 1960...the very last year to be part of the baby-boomer bulge. This has irked me for decades. Any time I had a new interest, hobby or past-time I would discover that the gunters had already discovered it and that they had been there and were already doing that.

For some things this was/is mildly irritating such as taking up knitting or...but for some things such as collecting folkart furniture, or loving the pursuit of fab fashion finds at Value Village and consignment stores this completely pisses me off as it means that those people who are supposedly my people are inflating prices and reducing supply. Grrr.

Why am I telling you all this? Because whilst reading The New York Times in bed Sunday morning, green tea at my left hand, sweet Sadie curled into the curve of my legs, Charlotte doing her own thing and Zack in California, I read--in a very funny and well-written article entitled: "Take Their Word, They're V.I.P.'s" by Guy Trebay.--" 'This has been a great season for lesbians,' one fashion editor said,'...Others saw in the season's gender games signs of the steady and stealthy migration of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender influences into the culture at large...'Oh, I love my bull-daggers,' Beth Ditto, the outrageously gifted singer of the Gossip, pronounced before Wenesday night's show, referring to old-school butch lesbians.'...A 'femme' herself, Ms. Ditto lives in a committed relationship with a transgender person. 'But I do love a man-hater," she said. "


Now I wouldn't put myself in the category of a man-hater--after all one of my dearest intimates is a verging-on-manhood guy. But...there was a time, about four years ago when I declared that I was done with men. I told the person I was speaking with that I had been in so many relationships with so many different types of men and that I was done!

I made the half-serious comment that perhaps I would try relationships with women. Well, it's been four years of not even a sniff of a date never mind a relationship of any kind with either gender, but perhaps this is my moment? I'd just have to specify that I'm only available for a short-term relationship. Given people's commitment issues, that theoretically shouldn't be an issue.

To be continued..

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