Dear Ones,
It's been a couple of months since I last posted. The kids and I have had a pretty good summer...the weather has been glorious as has been the break from the ever-so-scheduled busyness of the school year.
Despite all the downtime though, my energy level just has not bounced back and it is now crystal clear to me that I need help with things like grocery shopping, cooking, errands and kid chauffeuring. I may actually need to find two or more people depending on what Zach's hockey schedule turns out to be.
I know that a lot of you who have read the blog in the past are very good-thinkers and well-connected in the community, so I am going to ask for all of you to put on your thinking caps and forward me any leads of people who might be looking for a personal assistant type job that would vary from day-to-day. Any lead of any kind would be appreciated. Please feel free to pass on this request to anyone who might know of someone.